December Auction Newsletter
Richard Webb – National Sales Manager
As the end of the year approaches, it’s always a great opportunity to reflect on what has been achieved over the previous twelve months, as well as set some concrete plans for the following year. Here at Pattinson Auction, our team always has a clear goal and vision for each year, broadly consisting of enhancing the ever-growing positive reputation of property auction, and advocating the fact that auction is a viable and robust route of sale which should be more frequently utilised.
The numbers from 2023 illustrate a clear increase of market share, and this can be attributed to our fast growing Partner Agent network of almost 3,500 agents across the country, which is a significant 25% growth on last year.
The seamless collaboration with our Partner agents has generated:
more than 15,000 valuations
more than 50% increase of properties being offered for sale via our auction platform, compared with 2022.
a 43% increase of fees being paid to Partner agents.
a 20% Increase in staff and resource.
We always endeavour to provide our Partners with the absolute best 'end-to-end' auction solution, and not least, a one which takes responsibility for the 'heavy lifting' and allows agents to be more rounded in their service provision for clients.
As more agents seek to partner with us, we continue to invest in resources, such as increasing the number of our employees, along with improved tech' capability, tools and services, as well as additional sales products.
2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year for all involved!
On behalf of everyone within our organisation, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year.
Paul Waters - Valuation Team Manager
2023 has been a whirlwind year to say the least!
Buyer and seller opinions have changed throughout the year, mainly due to changes in financial circumstances, making it a challenging industry for securing listings and seeing sales right through to completion.
The Auction method continues to prove that it can work for sellers who are looking for that fast and secure sale, and in turn, the same benefits of speed and security can also be applied to buyers, who are wanting to ensure they Complete on their new purchase effectively. Whether it is a privately owned home, or a commercial purchase, it is a fact that auction works for anyone and almost any property!
Here at Pattinson Auction, we have seen huge growth both in the UK and abroad in 2023, ensuring that we are set up for success for 2024, and with that, I wish everyone who has worked and supported us a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sarah Reeder - BDM South West
This year I have noticed a huge increase in engagement levels from both existing partner agents, and new agents coming on board and benefiting from the Pattinson Auction platform. There has also been a noticeable surge in buyers purchasing property via the auction route, who had never done so before. For me, demonstrating how this method of sale works effectively is becoming more frequent and massively successful as people are seeing tangible results.
I have seen sales of properties that are valued over £1 Million, which is a testament to the fact that auction is not just for low grade, low value or run-down properties. It has been very encouraging to receive recommendations to new agents from existing partner agents, who have benefited from utilising our auction facility.
The growth of my partner network has been equally impressive, and we have achieved sales in areas of my patch that we had not done so the previous year, leading to a significant increase in auction revenue.
As the new year approaches, I am looking forward to sharing more success with my existing and new partner agents.
I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2024!