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List To Win

Thanks to your support, we've achieved a record-breaking month in auction sales. The team at Pattinson Auction extends our deepest gratitude....

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Women In Estate Agency

We are excited to announce that we will be supporting the Women In Estate Agency conference in London on March 7th.

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February Auction Market Update

January has without a doubt, been a high performing month, and even many property commentators have been reporting that the market is back with a boom!....

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January Auction Newsletter

Here at Pattinson Auction, we are experiencing an extremely impressive start to the year, with auction sales soaring across the country. This upward....

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December Auction Newsletter

As the end of the year approaches, it’s always a great opportunity to reflect on what has been achieved over the previous twelve months.....

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November Auction Newsletter

The last couple of months have brought impressive new records and milestones for us as an auction service provider, along with the rapid growth of an already...

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October Auction Newsletter

There is a deep sense of satisfaction looking back on Q3, as it has been the best quarter that we have witnessed regarding auction results.

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Progress in Spain for Pattinson Auction

Pattinson Auction’s Innovative Auction Facility Proves to be a Big Hit with Spanish Estate Agents!

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September Auction Newsletter

August was a hugely positive month for auction, despite it being in the height of the summer holiday season, there was incredible activity here at Pattinson